Component P0: Team Contract
Team contracts ensure that students on a team discuss what their expectations and goals are before they start working. A contract helps students set guidelines and agree on consequences if those expectations are not met before problems are encountered. Contracts also help us as instructors to support teams that are experiencing problems.
Major Activities
- Identify your individual expectations, strengths, weaknesses, and fears. Use the "individual worksheet" from the handout to articulate these for yourself. Be as expansive as you need to be.
- Discuss these with your team. In the first tutorial, you will take some time to discuss these expectations with your team. The handout includes a "discussion worksheet" for you to work through all of these issues and topics.
- Draft a team contract. Draft the team contract with your team (you can do this during tutorial). When you submit your contracts, make sure that expectations and consequences are clear. Some examples of possible consequences:
- bringing coffee/donuts when last team meeting was missed,
- mark down in peer evaluation when coming to class or team meetings unprepared three times,
- removal from team after missing deadlines more than 3 times without asking team members for help.
- Revise the team contract based on feedback from the instructor. The instructor will provide you with feedback quickly. Revise your team contract and resubmit.
- Draft: Turn in your draft team contract proposal in your portfolio binder (1" to 1 1/2" binder). This should be handed in at the beginning of the class on the day it is due. As with assignments, you have a 10 minute window from the start of class -- handing it in after this 10 minute window will result in a grade of 0.
- Revised: Turn in the final team contract proposal (signed by all members) in your portfolio binder.
Grading Sheet
This component is graded on completion. If it is unsatisfactory, it will be returned for revision.
- 9/15: Prepare your individual worksheet in time for your first tutorial
- 9/19: Submit your team's draft team contract
- 9/22: You will receive feedback on your draft team contract
- 9/26: Submit final team contract