Larry has appeared in many publications -- more than most grad students, anyway. This page documents the efforts of various authors helping Larry get published. The scoring mechanism for the game also appears here, though note that this is constantly evolving.



  • Neustaedter, C. 'Designing Technology for Everyday Life', Guest Lecture in the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)'s Usability Engineering course. January 2008.
  • Neustaedter, C. 'Designing Technology for Everyday Life', Invited Talk at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Rochester, NY. December 2007.
  • Neustaedter, C. 'Designing Technology for Everyday Life', University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science Colloquium. October 2007.
  • Neustaedter, C. 'Supporting Collaboration Through Human-Centred Design', AT&T Research Labs, Invited Talk. October 2006.
  • Neustaedter, C. 'User-Centred Design for the Home', Microsoft Research, Invited Talk. March 2006.


  • 100 Title
  • 100 Author
  • 8 Acknowledgements
  • 7 pts: Video (w/ original larry) ! saying larry in the video
  • 5 Picture/Video (original Larry)
  • 1 Picture/Text-based reference to "a" Larry (not original Larry)