The best my hair has ever looked

e: tonyt @
o: Math Sciences 680B
I am an Associate Professor (as of July 1, 2016) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary. I direct the RICELab (Rethinking Interaction, Collaboration and Engagement) research group.

My research interests are situated in Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) -- the study of how people work together using technology -- with a twist of Ubiquitous Computing -- technology in everyday scenarios. My current research investigates the integration of mobile devices in large display environments, exploration into personal informatics, and telecommunication technologies for collaborative work.

I am a proud member of the Extremely Tall and Extremely Short HCI Researchers Club. If you haven't met me, I am a very very tall guy. Really.

Locked Rooms Event! (May 21, 2015)

(Half of us) escaped from the escape room!